The main source of learning culture of the population of Tuva, IX-XII centuries. remain funeral, memorial complexes, and an additional - stone stele with runic inscriptions and tamgas, sometimes associated with the mounds, and short rock inscriptions, and some tamgovye signs. Signs on the rocks, probably nomadic character of customary law, confirming that the holder of tamgas stay in this place that does not exclude a sacred place. An example of "legal" tamgovyh signs and labels is a monument dedicated visitor Chaya uzhu, the rock on the right bank of the river. Khemchik, 8 km above the modern village. Iyme, near the mountain pass that connects on both sides of the steppe Sayan. On the right bank could. Hadynnyg, 37 miles below the mouth of the river. Khemchik, found a stele with tamga as "poker" and the name of "Ak-Kyun ', which probably marked the extreme point in the canyon lands belonging to him (or his family?) (Vasiliev, 1983, 23, 43). Tamgas above could. Khemchik Bom-II and Hadynnyge similar. A total of six types of registered Tuve tamgas, to extend the territory of which it is possible to determine habitat specific population groups IX-XI centuries. And it is to trace the path of their movements.