Tracts of cemeteries in the Yenisei Kirghiz Sayan canyon of the Yenisei Kirghiz as sanctuaries IX-X centuries.
Sanctuary: archeology of ritual and questions of semantics. Proceedings of the thematic conference. St. Petersburg, 2000. S. 232-235.
Isolation of the sacred, osobopochitaemyh certain ethnic group places and objects on the ground in the area of habitat and the scope of the ancestors or spirits is associated, including the cult of the dead and ancestors (Its 1991: 82-83). We can assume that sacred sites were Tracts, intermontane basins, which were burial Yenisei Kirghiz IX-XII centuries.
In the Sayan canyon of the Yenisei investigated Cemetery (hereinafter - could not.) Khemchik Bom-II and Saryg-Haya, a special planigraphy differ most clearly expressed in the "pristraivaemo-(232/233) STI" structures. Similar sites were studied in Central Tuva: I could. Aymyrlyg II, gr. Ill (rask. BB Ovchinnikova, 1972-1976.) And Kaat Havak-I (AM rask. Mandelstam, 1978). Unable to produce a visually excavated close to them for planigraphy could. Sarah Gol and Hyur-Sayyr. We are talking about the monuments, now lying on the seabed.
In Central Tuva common "burial fields," including different time structures, but the burial is often localized specific era, combined in landfills and take "their ecological niche." Compact groups kyrgyzskih structures IX-X centuries. hidden in small tracts (Saryg-Khaya, Khaya Saryg And Aymyrlyg II, gr. Ill), while the tower-shaped structures end X-XII centuries. centers occupy vast valleys (Eylig-Ham III, Ulug-Buc I and others). Could. Khemchik Bom-II, in the estuary. Khemchik, was on open ground at the foot of the rock, which knocked out of the niche in the natural tamgovyh marks found scratched the word "kut" ("soul").